Recommendations for local council heritage management
This guideline provides a framework for proactive local government heritage management. It includes recommendations that have been used successfully by a number of councils. Some of them will be appropriate to your area.
Publisher: Office of Environment and Heritage
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-74359-052-2 / ID: OEH20130218
File: PDF 162.57 KB / Pages 21
Name: recommendations-for-local-council-heritage-management-130218.pdf
A heritage study identifies and assesses heritage items in accordance with the key historical themes for an area. It also makes recommendations on policies the local council should adopt to protect and conserve the identified heritage items.
The local environmental plan (LEP) translates the recommendations of the heritage study into a legal document that provides a broad framework for future management of the area’s heritage. The LEP is prepared in accordance with principles laid down in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, and the heritage items identified in the heritage study are listed in a schedule to the LEP.