The superb parrot (Polytelis swainsonii) is a vibrant woodland bird and plays an integral part in our ecosystem through seed dispersal and pollination.
However, habitat loss – in particular, the loss of hollow-bearing trees and changing environmental conditions – poses challenges to the survival of this unique species.
Saving our Species is proud to work with a diverse range of partners on the conversation project for the superb parrot, including:
- 5 local Landcare groups in the Lachlan catchment
- Greening Australia
- NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
- South East and Riverina Local Land Services
- Coleambally Irrigation
- local field naturalist groups (including Cowra Woodland Birds Group), community members and citizen scientists.
Each partner contributes unique skills and passion to address the threat of habitat loss by working to protect mature hollow-bearing trees, which is crucial for breeding success and increasing habitat and landscape connectivity by planting thousands of new trees and shrubs.

Male superb parrots (Polytelis swainsonii)
Beneficial for all
Greening Australia has partnered with Saving our Species since 2017, delivering important on-ground restoration to over 1,000 hectares of superb parrot box gum woodland habitat in southern New South Wales, and over 400 hectares of newly established sandhill pine and box gum woodland habitat, both of which are threatened woodland communities.
Achieving this in less than a decade is a significant positive result, said Saving our Species superb parrot project coordinator, Dr Damon Oliver.
'To have a practitioner partner such as Greening Australia who can cover all aspects of a restoration project, including monitoring, engagement and reporting, makes the Saving our Species superb parrot project cost-effective and successful,' said Dr Oliver.
Greening Australia's program specialist Nicki Taws said the survival of this highly mobile bird relies on the availability of suitable habitat across a broad sweep of inland NSW farmland.
'The expertise of the Saving our Species team and researchers at the Australian National University has helped us prioritise breeding areas within this wider region so that the project can have its greatest impact,' said Nicki Taws.
'Landholders can also benefit from the plantings, which provide windbreaks, shade, and shelter for livestock. Once farmers can see that restoring habitat in strategic ways across their property not only helps native biodiversity but also improves its value for stock and pastures, they are keen to do more,' said Nicki Taws.
Key outcomes so far
- Over 270 hectares of remnant box gum woodland habitat protected
- 60 hollow-bearing paddock trees fenced-off from stock
- Over 25,000 tube stock trees and shrubs planted
- Over 3,000 tube stock paddock trees planted and protected with cattle-proof tree guards
- Direct seeding of 348 hectares of sandhill pine woodland and 50 hectares of box gum woodland

Superb parrots (Polytelis swainsonii) feeding on young Cootamundra wattle seeds (Acacia baileyana) in Wantiool, New South Wales
Investing in nature is good for business
Conserving our local threatened species and biodiversity supports a strong and healthy local economy and community. Partners supporting the Saving our Superb Parrot project are not only saving a flagship threatened species, integral for maintaining the health and diversity of native forests and woodlands, but also making a commitment to be part of the change needed to protect and restore our natural environment.
By being involved in this project, partners have access to:
- a unique opportunity to engage staff with projects and demonstrate leadership in directly supporting local conservation
- participation in tree planting days, or expert talks to your team
- becoming part of the Saving our Species program and joining the network of like-minded businesses working together to make a difference to our biodiversity.
Contact the Saving our Species Partnerships Team today to start a conversation about the conservation of the superb parrot.
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Saving our Species partnerships
Email: [email protected]
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