A NSW Government website

Biodiversity Assessment Method

The BAM is established for the purpose of assessing certain impacts on threatened species and threatened ecological communities, and their habitats, and the impact on biodiversity values, where required under the Biodiversity Conservation Act, Local Land Services Act 2013 or the State Environmental Planning Policy (Vegetation in Non-Rural Areas) 2017.
Publisher: Office of Environment and Heritage
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-76039-773-9 / ID: OEH20170206
File: PDF 1.19 MB / Pages 132
Name: biodiversity-assessment-method-170206.pdf
Tags: Biodiversity Offsets SchemeBiodiversity

The BAM sets out the requirements for a repeatable and transparent assessment of terrestrial biodiversity values on land in order to:

  1. identify the biodiversity values on land subject to proposed development, clearing, or land in a biodiversity certification assessment area, or land proposed as a biodiversity stewardship site
  2. determine the impacts of proposed development, or clearing or biodiversity certification on biodiversity values
  3. quantify and describe the biodiversity credits required to offset the residual impacts of proposed development or clearing or conferral of biodiversity certification on biodiversity values
  4. quantify and describe the biodiversity credits that can be created at a biodiversity stewardship site from the improvement in biodiversity values from management actions undertaken at the site.

Where required to be used under NSW legislation, the BAM is used to assess terrestrial biodiversity values on a proposed development site or proposed clearing site or land proposed for biodiversity certification. It must also be used to assess the biodiversity values on land proposed to be secured under a biodiversity stewardship agreement.