Kosciuszko Offset Strategy
The Kosciuszko Offset Strategy is the biodiversity strategy for the Kosciuszko Offset Project and sets a framework to deliver a biodiversity gain in Kosciuszko National Park equivalent to 120% of the biodiversity loss identified in the Snowy 2.0 environmental assessments.
Publisher: Department of Planning and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-923076-18-1
ID: EHG20230221
File: PDF 480.14 KB / Pages 18
Name: kosciuszko-offset-strategy-june-2023-230221.pdf
A benchmark of 120% has been set, as this is considered to be achievable over the next 20 years and will be able to be demonstrated as a biodiversity gain. Under conditions specified in the Snowy 2.0 approvals, Snowy Hydro Limited must pay up to $92.9 million in biodiversity offsets to the National Parks and Wildlife Service by 2024.