Updating BioNet plant community types PCT master list version 2.0 2023
Plant community types (PCTs) are the finest level of classification in the NSW vegetation classification hierarchy. This document summarises improvements to the quantitative PCT classification in the coast and tablelands bioregions in 2023, resulting from the addition of new data and user feedback. Updates to the threatened ecological community association data for a subset of PCTs in eastern, central and western NSW are also detailed.
Two of the document appendices are available in the form of separate spreadsheet files. Appendix B provides a list of quantitative PCT plot membership changes from PCT master list C1.1 to C2.0. Appendix C provides a list of all approved PCTs in the PCT master list C2.0 and summarises PCT-level data changes between versions.
Appendix B: PCT plot membership changes from C1.1 to C2.0 (XLS 29KB)
Appendix C: PCT master list C2.0 and summary of PCT-level data changes from C1.1 to C2.0 (XLS 514KB)