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Remediation directions register

This public register lists remediation directions issued under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.

This table is updated by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water on a regular basis. If you require more information, contact the relevant department office.

The table is sorted by the date on which the decision was made.

Type of matter/activity/locationDate publishedLocal government area
A remediation order (202001981-3) (PDF 1.91MB) was issued to carry out works required to provide for the remediation and repair of an unlawfully harmed Aboriginal object.13 October 2021Eurobodalla Shire
A remediation direction (DOC22/67276) (PDF 6MB) was issued to carry out works required to provide for the remediation and repair of an unlawfully harmed Aboriginal object.5 September 2022 Walgett
remediation order (202102881-1) (PDF 1.8MB) was issued to carry out works required to provide for the rehabilitation of unlawfully harmed or damaged Aboriginal objects and the restoration of those objects on the Property.”28 July 2022Murray River 
A remediation order (20220725_WCC_01) (610KB) was issued to carry out works required to provide for the remediation of unlawfully harmed Aboriginal objects.25 July 2022Wollongong
A remediation order (I00291-2019) (PDF 182KB) was issued to erect a fence to protect the Aboriginal objects and to control access to the Remediation Area to mitigate harm to the Aboriginal objects.25 June 2019Kempsey Shire Council
 A remediation order (202203725-03) (PDF 1.9 MB) was issued to carry out works required to provide for the rehabilitation of unlawfully harmed or damaged Aboriginal objects and the restoration of those objects on the Property.31 May 2022 Eurobodalla 
A direction to carry out remedial work (PDF 1.1MB) was issued to the landholder on 4 May 2017 to rectify damage to threatened species habitats caused by the use of heavy machinery. The direction orders the landholder to erect a fence to protect the habitats, allow them to regenerate and to control weeds and pest herbivores.4 May 2017Greater Sydney
A variation to a direction to carry out remedial work (PDF 6.6MB) was issued to the neighbouring landholder approving a variation to alter the location of the fence required and to extend the timeframe to complete the construction of the fence. The variation was issued on 21 April 2017 and varies the Remedial Direction issued on 10 March 2017.21 April 2017South Coast
A direction to carry out remedial work (PDF 5.2MB) was issued to the neighbouring landholder on 10 March 2017 to remediate damage cause to Budderoo National Park by removal of the vegetation, movement of rocks and construction of infrastructure without the consent of the Chief Executive of OEH or the NPWS.10 March 2017South Coast
A variation to a direction to carry out remedial work (PDF 628KB) was issued to the leaseholder approving a variation to amend the land to which the Direction applies. The variation was issued on 10 December 2014 and varies the Remedial Direction issued on 8 June 2011.10 December 2014Lord Howe Island
A direction to carry out remedial work (PDF 194KB) was issued to the landholder on 24 April 2014 to rectify damage to a midden caused by the use of machinery to remove weeds. The direction orders the landholder to erect a fence to protect the Aboriginal object and to prepare and implement a remediation plan to mitigate harm and restore the Aboriginal object.24 April 2014Canterbury
A variation to a direction to carry out remedial work (PDF 954KB) was issued to OCEANIC COAL AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED approving the implementation of a remediation plan to rectify damage caused by works to remediate surface cracking at a second smaller site adjacent to Longwall 41 using grout. This variation was issued on 12 March 2014 for the remediation of Grout Site 2. 

See also map of the area covered by the direction (PDF 1.5MB)remediation plan (PDF 7MB) and project plan (PDF 143KB).
12 March 2014 Lower Hunter
A direction to carry out remedial work (PDF 550KB) was issued to OCEANIC COAL AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED approving the implementation of a remediation plan to rectify damage caused by works to remediate surface cracking adjacent to Longwall 41 using grout. This variation was issued on 13 December 2013 and follows the successful completion of a trial grout removal process on 4 December 2013. 

See also map of the area covered by the direction (PDF 339KB) and remediation plan (PDF 3.9MB).
13 December 2013Lower Hunter
A further variation to a direction to carry out remedial work (PDF 550KB) was issued to OCEANIC COAL AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED extending the timeframe to rectify damage caused by works to remediate surface cracking adjacent to Longwall 41 using grout. This variation was issued on 22 November 2013 and varies the remediation direction issued on 28 August 2013.22 November 2013Lower Hunter
A direction to carry out remedial work (PDF 822KB) was issued to OCEANIC COAL AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED to rectify damage caused by works to remediate surface cracking adjacent to Longwall 41 using grout. On 20 September 2013, OCEANIC notified OEH of a leak of the grouting product on a steep slope area on the northern end of Longwall 41 terminating on the embankment of an ephemeral drainage channel in the Cockle Creek catchment of the Sugarloaf State Conservation Area. The direction orders OCEANIC to prepare, and submit for OEH approval, a plan to carry out remedial works to control, abate or mitigate damage to the reserve, and to maintain or restore the reserve.11 November 2013Lower Hunter
A variation to a direction to carry out remedial work (PDF 679KB) was issued to OCEANIC COAL AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED to rectify damage caused by works to remediate surface cracking adjacent to Longwall 41 using grout. This variation was issued on 14 October 2013 and varies the remediation direction issued on 28 August 2013. 

See also map of the area covered by the direction (PDF 339KB) and remediation plan (PDF 8.5MB).
14 October 2013Lower Hunter
A direction to carry out remedial work (PDF 382KB) was issued to OCEANIC COAL AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED to rectify damage caused by works to remediate surface cracking adjacent to Longwall 41 using grout. On 4 June 2013, OCEANIC notified OEH of a leak of the grouting product within the Cockle Creek catchment of the Sugarloaf State Conservation Area. The direction orders OCEANIC COAL AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED to carry out remedial works to control, abate or mitigate damage to the reserve, and to maintain or restore the reserve.28 August 2013Lower Hunter
A direction to carry out remedial work (PDF 4MB) was issued to Kosciuszko Thredbo Pty Ltd to rectify damaged vegetation and soil exposed to erosion from clearing about 300m2 for mountain bike tracks without development consent or NPWS approval at Thredbo resort at Kosciuszko National Park. The direction was revoked on 18 July 2018.26 November 2012
[revoked 18 July 2018]
Snowy River Shire
A variation to a direction to carry out remedial work (PDF 1.7MB) was issued to the leaseholder approving a variation to include a condition in the Direction to allow staff from the Lord Howe Island Board reasonable access and entry to the Remediation Area for the purposes of undertaking rehabilitation works as outlined in the Direction. This variation was issued on 5 June 2012 and varies the Remedial Direction issued on 8 June 2011.5 June 2012Lord Howe Island
A variation to a direction to carry out remedial work (PDF 541KB) was issued to the leaseholder approving a variation to: amend the timing of the construction of the fence to restrict access into the Remediation Area; to amend the period of the timing for the felling of a Cryptocarya triplinervis var. triplinervis tree species; and to amend the list of species for planting in the revegetation area of the Remediation Area. This variation was issued on 13 July 2011 and varies the Remedial Direction issued on 8 June 2011.13 July 2011Lord Howe Island
A direction to carry out remedial work (PDF 7.7MB) was issued to the leaseholder on 8 June 2011 to rectify damage caused by vegetation clearing which resulted in damage to the habitat of the Placostylus bivaricosus (Lord Howe Island Placostylus) and the Puffinus carneipes (Flesh-footed Shearwater) by removing the preferred habitat conditions of these species. Placostylus bivaricosus is listed as an endangered species in Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (TSC Act) and the Puffinus carneipes is listed as a vulnerable species in Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the TSC Act. The Direction orders the landholder to erect a