There are many ways to find buyers and sellers to trade biodiversity credits, including:
- searching the public registers
- exploring advertised credits in the online biodiversity credits catalogue and using the listed contacts to contact sellers
- selling to or buying from the Biodiversity Credits Supply Fund
- selling to the Biodiversity Conservation Trust
- using other third-party intermediaries
- negotiating directly with development proponents or landholders.
Biodiversity credits public registers
The department is required to maintain public registers that provide information about people who are looking to buy and sell biodiversity credits. You can use these public registers to find credits you need and contact buyers and sellers.
The 2 main credits registers are:
- Credit Demand Register (credits wanted)
- Credit Supply Register.
BioBanking public registers, which were established under the repealed Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW) for the previous BioBanking Scheme, may also include relevant supply and demand information. All credits and obligations created under the previous scheme remain valid under transitional arrangements.
Visit the BioBanking public registers.
Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and clarity of the information provided on these registers. However, you should exercise judgement when using this information and consider obtaining expert advice.
Biodiversity credits catalogue
The department regularly updates a biodiversity credits catalogue.
The catalogue provides credit owners with a cost-free and easy way to advertise available biodiversity credits and connect with potential buyers. Buyers can also use the catalogue to browse a variety of credits listings and directly contact sellers.
To advertise in the biodiversity credits catalogue or submit related enquiries, email: [email protected].
Biodiversity credits catalogue
Biodiversity Credits Supply Fund
The Biodiversity Credits Supply Fund is operated by the department to:
- buy ‘in demand’ credits from landholders
- sell credits to proponents
- use the proceeds from selling credits to buy more credits.
For credits supply fund enquiries, email: [email protected].
Biodiversity Conservation Trust
The Biodiversity Conservation Trust buys credits from landholders to meet the offset obligations transferred from developers who have paid into the Biodiversity Conservation Fund.
The Biodiversity Conservation Trust maintains a Credits Wanted List with credits it is looking to buy through its Credit Offer Portal.
Access the Credits Wanted List
To learn more about selling biodiversity credits to the Biodiversity Conservation Trust, visit the Biodiversity Conservation Trust.