South Head Master Plan Exhibition submissions report
A summary of what we heard from the community during exhibition of the draft master plan and how we have responded in the plan.
Publisher: Department of Planning and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-922975-06-5
ID: EHG20220656
File: PDF 5.3 MB / Pages 21
Name: sydney-harbour-national-park-south-head-submission-report-220656.pdf
This document provides an overview of the feedback received on the draft master plan via written submissions from the community, survey data and discussions with the Stakeholder Reference Group.
The draft South Head Master Plan was exhibited from 26 April to 30 May 2022.
The draft master plan was informed by a process of consultation with the local community, stakeholders and relevant agencies, including an initial survey and 2 online workshops.