Binnaway and Weetalibah Nature Reserves Plan of Management
Binnaway Nature Reserve is approximately 30 kilometres south east of Coonabarabran and 10 kilometres north west of Binnaway within the Coonabarabran Shire.
Weetalibah is approximately 20 kilometres north west of Coolah and 50 kilometres south east of Coonabarabran within the Coolah Shire.
The Reserves are part of only two percent of the original vegetation and habitat of the Southern Brigalow Belt South Bioregion that is reserved in conservation areas. As well as being an important remnant of poorly conserved plant communities, Binnaway Nature Reserve contains ten plant species that are considered to be of conservation significance, while Weetalibah Nature Reserve contains twelve species considered to be of conservation significance.
The Reserves and surrounding scrubs also provide important woodland habitat comprising a varied shrub and ground vegetation, tree hollows, fallen and hollow logs and rocky outcrops and caves that support a variety of animals in an otherwise modified environment.