A NSW Government website

Tomaree National Park Plan of Management Amendment

Coastal Walk and visitor experience improvements

Tomaree National Park lies within the traditional Country of the Worimi People. The park is located in the Port Stephens region of New South Wales, approximately 45 kilometres north of Newcastle.
Publisher: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-922431-69-1 / ID: EES20200323
File: PDF 1012.82 KB / Pages 31
Name: tomaree-national-park-plan-of-management-amendment-200323.pdf
Tags: Plan of management amendmentFinal

This Amendment to the Tomaree National Park Plan of Management enables delivery of the Tomaree Coastal Walk.

Tomaree Coastal Walk will be a spectacular 20-kilometre coastal walking experience in Tomaree National Park, linking Tomaree Head with Birubi Point. The project involves the upgrade of existing tracks and the construction of new sections of track and supporting facilities such as viewing platforms, carparking and other visitor amenities.

This Amendment should be read in conjunction with the Tomaree National Park Plan of Management (2006).

A draft Amendment and the draft Tomaree Coastal Walk Strategy were publicly exhibited during August and September 2019. 137 submissions were received. Before adopting the Amendment, the Minister considered the proposed amendment, the submissions and the advice of the Hunter Central Coast Regional Advisory Committee and the National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council.

National Parks and Wildlife Service prepared a Submissions Snapshot which summarises the feedback received from the public on the draft Strategy and the draft Amendment and outlines the Department's response to submissions.

The next steps for the project involve the public exhibition of the Tomaree Coastal Walk Draft Master Plan and the associated environmental and cultural heritage assessment (known as a Review of Environmental Factors). The Master Plan will be informed by the community and stakeholder feedback received during exhibition of the draft Amendment and draft Strategy, by detailed geotechnical and engineering assessments and by the Review of Environmental Factors.