A NSW Government website

Wereboldera State Conservation Area Plan of Management

Wereboldera State Conservation Area is located 2 kilometres south west of Tumut in the South West Slopes of NSW. It covers 2,263 hectares and forms part of a vegetated transition between the montane forests of the Snowy Mountains and the drier open woodlands of the South West Slopes and Riverina to the north and west.
Publisher: Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (NSW)
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-74232-424-1 / ID: DECCW20090595
File: PDF 909.15 KB / Pages 44
Name: wereboldera-state-conservation-area-plan-of-management-090595.pdf
Tags: Plan of managementFinal

Wereboldera State Conservation Area is dominated by dry sclerophyll open forest, consisting of 4 distinct forest ecosystems. The only location on the South West Slopes where Norton’s Box-Red Box open forest occurs is within and around the reserve. A diverse range of reptiles, amphibians, mammals and birds have been recorded in the reserve, including 150 bird species and 13 fauna species listed under the Threatened Species Conservation Act.

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 requires that a plan of management be prepared for each state conservation area. A draft plan of management for Wereboldera State Conservation Area was placed on public exhibition from 18 January until 9 May 2008. The submissions received were carefully considered before adopting this plan.