A NSW Government website

Subscribe to e-newsletters

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water produces a number of e-newsletters. Subscribe today and keep up to date with our work and programs.

Beachwatch daily bulletins

Format: HTML
Frequency: Daily
Content: Daily bulletins provide predictions of pollution levels at Sydney's ocean and harbour beaches (Sydney Harbour, Botany Bay, Georges River and Port Hacking, Pittwater) for that day and are based on rainfall in the previous 24 to 72 hours.

Botanic Gardens of Sydney

Format: HTML
Content: Get the latest information on what’s happening in the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney, the Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan and the Blue Mountains Botanic Garden Mount Tomah.

Subscribe to the Botanic Gardens of Sydney newsletter.


Format: PDF
Frequency: Weekly
Content: The DustWatch team uses a range of data to build a picture of dust activity and reports monthly (subject to staff and equipment availability) on dust activity across New South Wales.

Centennial Parklands

Format: HTML
Content: Receive newsletters on various topics related to Centennial Parklands, including what’s on, the cycling group, the equestrian centre, the Parklands Foundation and golf.

Subscribe to Centennial Parklands newsletters.

Greater Sydney Parklands

Format: Email
Content: The latest news and information about the Greater Sydney Parklands, Callan Park and Fernhill Estate, including family recreation, walking, cycling, sports, urban farming, education and conservation.

Subscribe to Greater Sydney Parklands updates.

Museums of History NSW

Format: Email
Content: Receive the latest news, exhibitions, events and special offers.

Join the Museums of History NSW mailing list.

Naturescapes: NSW national parks visitor newsletter

Format: HTML
Frequency: Quarterly
Content: The Naturescapes newsletter showcases activities, events, experiences, places and stays around NSW national parks.

Subscribe to Naturescapes.

Our Rivers

Format: Email
Frequency: Quarterly 
Content: Discover how Water for the Environment is making a positive difference in your local environment.

Subscribe to Our Rivers.

Resort Roundup

Format: PDF
Frequency: 1–2 times a year
Content: These newsletters contain a range of general interest articles, updates and key contacts for issues and projects across the resorts community in Kosciuszko National Park.

View Resort Roundup newsletters.

Saving our Species news

Format: HTML
Frequency: Quarterly
Content: Stay up to date with the latest news and events about threatened species conservation in New South Wales.

SoilTalk! news

Format: Email
Frequency: 1–2 times a year
Content: Stay up to date on the latest news and events about landscapes, soils and systems in New South Wales.

Subscribe to SoilTalk! news.