Beowa National Park Light to Light Walk Strategy
The National Parks and Wildlife Service have developed the Light to Light Walk Strategy to guide the development of the Light to Light Walk visitor experience. The strategy outlines the nature and design principles of the proposed upgrade to the Light to Light Walk and identifies the assessment and approvals required to ensure compliance with the park's plan of management and relevant conservation management plans. Stringent environmental, cultural heritage and cost-benefit assessments, involving our staff, key stakeholders and other experts, will ensure the project meets environmental, cultural and economic goals.
The Light to Light Walk improvements aim to increase visitor appreciation and engagement of the conservation values of the park, while continuing to protect park values and minimise environmental impacts. The upgrades will create opportunities for a greater diversity of visitors to undertake the walk and will also support ongoing management of the walk.
A draft of this strategy and Draft Amendment to the Ben Boyd National Park and Bell Bird Creek Nature Reserve Plan of Management were publicly exhibited in July and August 2019.
We received 205 submissions. A submissions report summarising the feedback received from the public and the department's response to submissions is also available.
The strategy will be updated as planning for the project progresses and will be made available through the project website.
This strategy should be read in conjunction with the Ben Boyd National Park and Bell Bird Creek Nature Reserve Plan of Management and the 2020 amendment.
First published in August 2021; reprinted April 2023 with changes to Beowa National Park, formerly known as Ben Boyd National Park.