A NSW Government website

Lord Howe Island Biodiversity Management Plan

The rich biodiversity of the Lord Howe Island Group (LHIG) supports a high level of endemic and significant species and communities. In addition, due to its isolated geographic location, small size and limited access, there are a number of identifiable and common threats to biodiversity on the LHIG.
Publisher: Department of Environment and Climate Change (NSW)
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-74122-598-3 / ID: DECC20070469
File: PDF 2.13 MB / Pages 97
Name: lord-howe-island-biodiversity-management-plan-070469.pdf
Tags: Threatened speciesBiodiversity

This combination of unique biota and common threats provides the opportunity to manage species and communities via a multispecies, threat-based biodiversity plan. This holistic approach was chosen in contrast to producing a number of single species recovery plans, which is less efficient in terms of resources for preparation, implementation and prioritisation of management actions.


The Appendices document contains:

  • Appendix 1: Species list for Lord Howe Island Group
  • Appendix 2: Invertebrates of the Lord Howe Island Group Considered Threatened
  • Appendix 3: Threat tables for flora, vegetation communities, and vertebrate and invertebrate fauna
  • Appendix 4: Biodiversity Forecasting Tool.

Appendix 5 contains 3 documents: