Bundjalung National Park Review of Environmental Factors: Proposed ilmenite stockpile removal and site rehabilitation
Review of public submissions
A review of environmental factors for the proposed ilmenite removal and site rehabilitation was on public exhibition between 23 November 2014 and 30 January 2015.
A total of 98 submissions, mostly from local and regional residents, were received by the Office of Environment and Heritage. Issues raised by submissions are listed in a table in this report, and these issues are grouped into themes for which further analysis is provided. Most submissions, 87%, opposed the proposal to remove an ilmenite stockpile and conduct site rehabilitation at Jerusalem Creek in Bundjalung National Park.
The Regional Operations Group, Office of Environment and Heritage, considered the proposal on behalf of NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) as an activity under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and determined the proposal may proceed subject to conditions. Read the Bundjalung National Park Determination Notice and Conditions (PDF 5.5MB).
The Bundjalung National Park and Iluka Nature Reserve Plan of Management includes information on park values and provides directions for future management of this area.
NPWS awarded Flagship Commodities the tender to remove the ilmenite stockpile and conduct site rehabilitation at Jerusalem Creek in Bundjalung National Park. The proposal commenced in 2016 and will be completed over a number of years.