Gould’s petrel (Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera), Port Stephens islands
Conservation Action Plan– Broughton Island, Little Broughton Island, Cabbage Tree Island, Boondelbah Island (AIS-E0-067, AIS-E0-068, AIS-E0-069, AIS-E0-070)
This conservation action plan identifies key risks and prescribes management and monitoring activities for the vulnerable Gould’s petrel in Myall Lakes National Park (Broughton Island), Little Broughton Island Nature Reserve, John Gould Nature Reserve (Cabbage Tree Island) and Boondelbah Nature Reserve.
Publisher: Department of Planning and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-76058-584-6
ID: EHG20220381
File: PDF 894.11 KB / Pages 9
Name: conservation-action-plan-goulds-petrel-pterodroma-leucopter-leucoptera-port-stephens-islands-220381.pdf