A NSW Government website

Get involved with water for wildlife

Want to know more about water for the environment? Get involved.

  • Talk to your local Environmental Water Advisory Group (EWAG) representatives.
  • Take a look at the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water website for news of local watering events and the outcomes for native plants and animals. While you’re there, you’ll see plenty of useful information on efforts to protect and conserve wildlife and other natural resources, the results of research conducted alongside environmental watering events, tips for sustainable living and more ideas to help you make a difference.
  • Plan an outing to a nearby wetland and take note of everything you see.
  • If you see a waterbird breeding event underway, let us know. See the individual valley EWAG pages for contact details.
  • Visit local wetlands and rivers to learn more about the plants and animals that live there. While you’re there, take a closer look – draw it – then photograph it – you'll notice more detail.
  • Read, read, read – learn more about your own environment and ways you can support it.
  • Join a local bushwalking or bird-watching group.
  • If you love to fish, be aware of our native species and return them to our rivers for future generations.
  • Learn more about local efforts to improve river flows for the benefit of native fish.
  • If you notice a fish kill, call the Environment Line on 131 555.
  • Remove carp from our waterways. See the DPIRD Fisheries factsheet Freshwater pest fish in New South Wales.
  • When visiting wetlands or rivers, remove all rubbish when you leave to avoid polluting the waterway.
  • Use water wisely at home and at work to minimise your impact on rivers and other watercourses.
  • Become an official Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water volunteer.
  • Join a local Landcare group and do your bit to improve the catchment.

Enjoy your local environment and be a part of the iconic landscapes that support the ongoing health of local communities.