A NSW Government website

Bundjalung State Conservation Area and Jackywalbin State Conservation Area Plan of Management

Bundjalung and Jackywalbin State Conservation Areas are situated west of the Pacific Highway between Yamba and Evans Head in northern New South Wales. They were established in 2003 and cover a combined area of 5,531 hectares.
Publisher: Office of Environment and Heritage
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-74293-867-7 / ID: OEH20120840
File: PDF 362.21 KB / Pages 0
Name: bundjalung-jackywalbin-state-conservation-area-plan-of-management-120840.pdf
Tags: Plan of managementFinal

Bundjalung and Jackywalbin State Conservation Areas conserve swamp and grassy sclerophyll forest and freshwater wetlands. They are an important part of the catchment of the Bungawalbin wetland. Two endangered ecological communities and 12 threatened flora species are contained within the reserves. Fauna surveys have recorded 122 fauna species, of which 54 are listed as threatened species.

The state conservation areas are of spiritual significance and contemporary importance to the Bandjalang Aboriginal people.