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Property leasing and licensing guidelines

For retail, commercial and general leases and licences granted under section 151 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974

These guidelines set out National Parks and Wildlife Service processes in relation to the grant of retail, commercial and general leases and licences under section 151 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act.
Publisher: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-923285-86-6 / ID: EH20240360
File: PDF 931.92 KB / Pages 14
Name: property-leasing-and-licensing-guidelines-240360.pdf
Tags: GuideCommercial activities

Under the Leasing and Licensing Program, the National Parks and Wildlife Service grants leases and licences of land, buildings and structures to provide services and facilities that encourage people to visit parks and enhance visitor experience.

This program contributes to ‘fostering public appreciation, understanding and enjoyment of nature and cultural heritage and their conservation’, which is an object of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.

These guidelines set out National Parks and Wildlife Service processes in relation to the grant of retail, commercial and general leases and licences under section 151 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act.