For all property owners
Owners have an obligation to ensure heritage listed properties are maintained to minimum standards, including all buildings being weatherproof and secure against vandalism.
The information on this page assists owners with how to care for their properties and find suitably qualified people to also carry out work:
For private properties listed on the State Heritage Register
Search for details about the listing in the State Heritage Inventory.
Before making any alterations or excavating, check if the proposed work meets criteria for an exemption, otherwise apply for an approval or permit.
Apply for a NSW heritage grant for eligible activities.
For private properties with a local heritage listing
Search for details about the listing in the State Heritage Inventory.
Before making any alterations or excavating, contact the local council.
Ask the local council if they offer grants for locally listed heritage items or other support.
For local councils as property owners and managers
Local councils own and manage many locally significant heritage items.
Apply for a NSW heritage grant for eligible activities.
Email [email protected] to join a network of heritage advisors and professionals as a forum for information exchange.
For NSW state agency asset managers
See the Heritage asset management for state agencies webpage.