In 2019 the Heritage Council of NSW reviewed the practices of preparing and endorsing conservation management plans (CMPs). This review was completed in consultation with the heritage sector and government organisations.
New guidelines and changes to the CMP endorsement process
The review brought about the following changes:
- Revised guidelines aim to provide a starting point for property owners and consultants when preparing heritage conservation management plans.
- Documents previously known as ‘conservation management strategies’ were replaced with heritage asset action plans, which guide the maintenance of a heritage item or a specific aspect of conservation or management.
- The Heritage Council of NSW has ceased to offer the review and endorsement of conservation management plans. This change came about from stakeholder feedback during the review and to be consistent with other states in Australia.
The Heritage Council of NSW continues to:
- recommend preparing conservation management plans as best practice heritage management documents – they are supporting documents that should be attached with works applications for making alterations to State Heritage Register listed items
- support owners/managers of State Heritage Register listed items and consultants to develop conservation management plans that adopt best practice heritage conservation principles in line with the Burra Charter
- consider suitable site-specific exemptions from approval through the State Heritage Register listing process, or in response to the property owner's needs.
More information
- Statement of best practice for conservation management plans
- Guidance on developing a conservation management plan
- Conservation management plan checklist
- Conservation management plan consultant model brief
- Statement of best practice for heritage asset action plans
- Burra Charteropens a new window
- Search examples of CMPs for State heritage itemsopens a new window
- Search examples of CMPs in national parks