A NSW Government website

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Discover where to find information on aspects of environment and heritage that are not handled by our department.

Our website has a lot of environmental and heritage information and resources. To find the information you want, use the search function (search icon) or browse the menu at the top of each page.

To notify us of an environmental or heritage issue or incident, go to Report a problem or incident.

If you can’t find what you're looking for on our website, it may be handled by other government agencies and organisations. Below, we’ve summarised where you can find that information.

Pollution and waste


The Environment Protection Authority manages environmental issues, responds to pollution incidents and emergencies, and enforces environmental regulations for:

  • air and water pollution
  • contaminated land
  • dangerous goods, chemicals, pesticides and hazardous materials.

Visit Your environment on the Environment Protection Authority website.

Air quality

General information and data

The NSW Government presents air quality data and information on the Air quality in New South Wales website.

Road tunnel air quality is monitored 24 hours a day by Transport for NSW.

Incidents and regulations

The Environment Protection Authority manages environmental issues, responds to pollution incidents and emergencies, and enforces environmental regulations for air pollution.

Health advice

Visit the NSW Health website for information on the health effects of air pollution and how you can protect yourself:

The NSW Government’s Air Quality in New South Wales website shows suitable activities for the different levels of air quality for people sensitive to air quality and generally – see Health advice activity guide.

Allergy and asthma patients will find accurate, relevant, localised information on pollen levels in the air at the AusPollen project. The University of Melbourne and University of Western Sydney Sydney Pollen Count and Forecast has similar information.

The National Asthma Council of Australia offers tips for avoiding and coping with pollen:

Smoke from fires

The NSW Rural Fire Service has a map and information on current fires and incidents reported in New South Wales and current and upcoming hazard reduction burns:

You can obtain further information by contacting:

Noise regulations and management

The the Environment Protection Authority website has information on noise regulations at Your environment.

Transport for NSW publishes construction noise information, including Construction noise and vibration guidelines.

For information on the management of noise from pubs, clubs and entertainment venues, visit Liquor and Gaming NSW.

Transport for NSW look after noise mitigation treatment for dwellings and noise sensitive land uses, such as schools, hospitals and churches that are exposed to high levels of road traffic noise under their Noise Abatement Program.

The Australian Rail Track Corporation uses a range of measures aimed at reducing and managing noise from trains – see Noise management.

Littering and illegal dumping

Visit the Environment Protection Authority website for information on littering and illegal dumping.

Waste and recycling

The Environment Protection Authority has information on domestic and commercial waste and recycling.

Find out about the collection, recycling and safe disposal of all batteries at the Australian Battery Recycling Initiative, formed by a group of battery manufacturers, recyclers, retailers, government bodies and environment groups to promote these activities.

Recycling of all brands and types of mobile phones, plus their batteries, chargers and accessories is managed by the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association via their MobileMuster.

Disposal of old, expired or unwanted medicines is managed by a national not-for-profit company funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Health – see Return unwanted medicines.

Protect the environment

Climate change

AdaptNSW provides relevant, localised information to keep you informed and help you adapt to climate change.


NSW Climate and Energy Action provides information and opportunities to make sustainable choices for your household, businesses or community. This includes support to save money and reduce your climate and energy impact and take action to reduce our emissions to net zero by 2050.

You can also find out about NSW Government policies and actions to transform our energy sector, accelerate our renewable energy infrastructure and ensure affordable and reliable energy at NSW Climate and Energy Action.

Environmental legislation

Environmental legislation is administered by the Environment Protection Authority and Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and is found on the NSW Legislation website.

For information on federal environmental legislation, visit the Australian Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.

Environment recovery

The Environment Protection Authority assists with:

  • pollution incident management
  • bushfire recovery
  • flood recovery.

See Reporting, incidents and recovery programs.


We manage wildlife licences, but volunteer carers are organised through wildlife rehabilitation organisations and they always need more help to rescue and care for sick or injured wildlife and orphaned young. See the full list of NSW wildlife rehabilitation organisations.

Carers need a biodiversity conservation licence.

You can help weed and replant the native bushland or national park in your local area. To volunteer for local Bushcare programs, contact your local council.

To volunteer in a national park, contact the Environment Line:

Or visit the National Parks and Wildlife Service volunteering opportunities page and choose the program that suits you best.

Fire bans and permits

Backyard burning and unauthorised incineration are prohibited in all council areas in the Sydney, Wollongong and Newcastle regions and in other NSW council areas under the Protection of the Environment Operations (Control of Burning) Regulation 2000.

During the Bushfire Danger Period, from 1 October to 31 March, the NSW Rural Fire Service restricts the use of fire through fire permits and total fire bans.

Outside the Bushfire Danger Period, the Environment Protection Authority may issue No Burn Notices to help reduce air pollution.

See the NSW Rural Fire Service for information on fire danger ratings and total fire bans in New South Wales.

Before you light a fire, find out if you need to obtain a fire permit from Fire and Rescue NSW or the NSW Rural Fire Service. No Burn Notices or total fire bans override any permits obtained:

Hazardous goods, chemicals and materials

The Environment Protection Authority manages dangerous goods, chemicals, pesticides and hazardous materials and relevant licences. Go to the Environment Protection Authority's Your environment page.

For information on the selection of pesticides, visit the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development or for advice:

Land management

For information on managing native vegetation on private property, visit Local Land Services. Certain types of clearing require approval and your Local Land Services can help you.

In some parts of the state, you need local government approval to clear native vegetation. If you live in a Sydney metropolitan local government area, for example, contact your local council for advice on removing trees.

Water management

Water resources and providers

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has information on water security and managing NSW water resources, including surface and groundwater management. It also ensures equitable sharing of surface and groundwater resources and secure and tradeable water entitlements and allocations. Visit the Water website.

Water NSW maintains and operates the assets that supply water to customers and communities and manages the system through floods and drought. It is a state-owned corporation established under the Water NSW Act 2014 and operates under an operating licence. It supplies two-thirds of water used in New South Wales.

Sydney Water is Australia’s largest water utility, providing water, wastewater, recycled water and some stormwater services to all of Sydney, the Blue Mountains and the Illawarra.

Desalinated water

See the federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water for information on Australia's National urban water and desalination plan.

The Sydney Desalination Plant at Kurnell is one of the largest operating desalination plants in the world. It sources its water from the Tasman Sea. The plant is operational when dam levels fall below specified thresholds.

Water quality

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water's Beachwatch program monitors and reports on water quality at swimming spots to help you decide where and when to swim.

Water quality information is also available through other government agencies and organisations.

WaterNSW operates a wide range of water monitoring programs to measure both water quality and quantity in all rivers, streams, groundwater bores and the dams that we operate across New South Wales. WaterNSW is also responsible for the management of blue-green algal blooms in the river systems and storages that they manage:

Waterwatch is a national citizen science program, involving landholders, community groups and schools, and aims to engage communities in monitoring and protecting the health of local waterways. Visit Waterwatch NSW.

Irrigation for commercial purposes

A licence is required to extract water from rivers or aquifers for commercial purposes, such as farm irrigation, but not to harvest rainfall, such as in a small dam.

For more information about irrigation and water licences, go to WaterNSW or contact them:

Experience nature

National parks

On the National Parks and Wildlife Service website, you can:

  • find out what to see and where to stay in a NSW national park 
  • buy national park annual and concession passes
  • book accommodation, campgrounds, tours and events.

Or call the National Parks Contact Centre:

For the chance to see and learn about wildlife, sign up for a national park wildlife encounter.

National parks have an app with park information, maps and more – find out about the NSW National Parks app or download the app:

Or you can pick up printed brochures and maps at information centres within national parks.

Safety when bushwalking or hiking

Sign up for the latest news and information on experiences, events and conservation programs in NSW national parks with the Naturescapes e-newsletter.

It's great to explore and experience NSW national parks, and naturally we encourage you to see and do as much as possible. We also want you, your family and friends to stay safe. Remember that parks are natural environments and can be unpredictable. You should plan your journey for all weather conditions – see safety in NSW national parks.

Review the National Parks and Wildlife Service's safety initiative for additional information on staying safe in national parks at Think Before You TREK. This will help you plan for a safe and enjoyable bushwalking experience or remote adventure.

If you're planning a walk in a remote area, hiring a personal locator beacon (PLB) is an added safety precaution. Most national parks have limited or no mobile phone network coverage. However, only activate a PLB as a last resort. First, try to send a distress alert by phone, radio or other direct communication. You can hire a PLB for free at 13 locations in NSW National Parks – see personal locator beacons and GPS.

Volunteering for the environment

The NSW Volunteering website lists volunteering opportunities in the state.

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has a large, active volunteering community participating in conservation through:

Learn more about how you, your school or your community can get involved. Help us to conserve threatened species and learn more about our environment:

Marine parks and aquatic reserves

Australian marine parks and aquatic reserves were established to protect and conserve marine biodiversity and provide representative samples of our wonderfully varied marine life and habitats. Marine protected areas also support marine science, recreation and education.

Marine protected areas in New South Wales are managed by the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.

Plants and animals

Identifying plants

The Botanic Gardens of Sydney offer a plant identification service over the counter, by fax or mail. Fees apply.

The Botanic Gardens maintain a free online plant database which has considerable information on NSW plants – PlantNET.

NSW BioNet, incorporating the Atlas of NSW, allows you to search online for government-held information about plants and animals in New South Wales. You can search by location or by type of animal or plant. The atlas is the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water's database of flora and fauna records. The atlas contains records of plants, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, some invertebrates and some fish.

For information on locally native plants in your area, contact your local council. They will have lists of species, and some offer seedlings for growing native gardens.

If you need assistance identifying weeds, ask your local council if you live on a residential property or Local Land Services if you live on a rural property.

For information on weed management for local government, rural properties, primary producers, plant retailers and home gardeners, visit the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.

Almost 1,000 animal and plant species are at risk of extinction in New South Wales. Find out what the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water is doing to protect them at Threatened species conservation programs and partnerships.

Identifying animals

Along with the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, there are a number of organisations that provide detailed information on native animals:

The Australian Museum also offers an object and species identification service via an online inquiry form. 

NSW BioNet, incorporating the Atlas of NSW, allows you to search online for government-held information about plants and animals in New South Wales. You can search by location or by type of animal or plant. The atlas is the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water's database of flora and fauna records. The atlas contains records of plants, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, some invertebrates and some fish.

Almost 1,000 animal and plant species are at risk of extinction in New South Wales. Find out about what the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water is doing to protect them at Threatened species conservation programs and partnerships.

A good field guide is the best means for accurate identification. Your local library should have local field guides in their reference section. Find your local library.

FrogID is an iPhone app that has comprehensive information about frogs, including photographs and calls.

Listings of birds and a search by type, location or name are offered at Birdlife Australia.

The National Parks and Wildlife Service has extensive information on whale watching and identification at Wild about whales.

See the 'Snake and spiders' section below for information on their identification, venom collection and safe removal.

Snakes and spiders

The Australian Museum has factsheets with detailed information on snakes and spiders or you can use their online inquiry form:

Another source of information on snakes and spiders is the Australian Reptile Park.

There are experts you can contact to remove or advise you on a snake on your property:

Arachne.org.au is a new field guide on spiders, a work-in-progress with additions made continually.

Knockout Pest Control have a quick identification guide to venomous Australian spiders – see How to identify spiders in your home.

The Australian Reptile Park collects both snake and spider venom for the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories to make antivenom. Snakes are a protected species and should only be captured by a licensed snake handler. Find out about their snake and spider venom collection program and how to safely collect funnel web spider specimens:

Importing and exporting animals

Exporting Australian native species to another country for commercial purposes is prohibited. Exporting for educational, research and exhibition purposes is possible under a special permit.

Australia has strict quarantine regulations so there are stringent restrictions on importing live exotic wildlife – that is, non-native species. Only species on the live import list are allowed. Some may also need a CITES permit.

The Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has detailed information on international wildlife trade and permits:

You need a licence to move protected native animals across state borders – see Licence to transport native animals interstate.

Exhibiting animals

Individuals or organisations who want to display or exhibit wildlife in zoos, wildlife parks or mobile exhibitions, whether not-for-profit, for educational purposes or commercially, must be granted a permit, licence or approval by the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.

The licensing scheme details steps exhibitors must take to house and care for their animals.

Legislation governs exhibitors so that they provide the required standards of care, presentation and safety – see the Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986.

Go to the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Exhibited animals and Animal welfare pages or for more information: