A NSW Government website

Threatened species

Almost 1,000 animal and plant species are at risk of extinction in New South Wales. Find out about our threatened species conservation programs and partnerships.

A flame robin (Petroica phoenicea) perched on a rock

Plants and animals are assessed if they are at risk of extinction. If the risk is high they are listed in legislation and conservation actions are developed for their protection.

A person wearing white cotton gloves in gently holds a bright yellow and black frog

Saving our Species is our statewide program that aims to secure threatened plants and animals in the wild in New South Wales.

North Rothbury persoonia (Persoonia pauciflora) is a critically endangered species

The key pieces of legislation that identify and protect threatened species, populations and ecological communities in New South Wales are the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and its regulations.

Wollemi pine (Wollemia nobilis) is an iconic threatened species in NSW

Search for threatened species, their communities and habitat, location and threat.

Mountain pygmy-possum (Burramys parvus) during a survey of threatened species in Kosciuszko National Park

Nearly 1,000 native plants and animals are currently facing extinction in New South Wales. But it’s not too late to do something and make a difference: join the movement to save our one-of-a-kind species.

Southern bell frog (Litoria raniformis) at Cockran Creek

The NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee is established under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016. It is an independent committee of scientists appointed by the Minister for the Environment.