A NSW Government website

Regional Pest Management Strategy 2012-2017: Blue Mountains Region

This publication is the pest management strategy for the Blue Mountains region, which covers the Sydney, South Western Slopes, South Eastern Highlands, and Brigalow Belt South bioregions.
Publisher: Office of Environment and Heritage
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-74293-621-5 / ID: OEH20120370
File: PDF 1.68 MB / Pages 105
Name: regional-pest-management-strategy-blue-mountains-region-120370.pdf
Tags: Pest management strategyFinal

The document outlines the pest management priorities for the region, including:

  • protecting threatened species and endangered ecological communities
  • reducing significant impacts of pests on neighbouring properties
  • protecting water storage for the populations of Sydney and the Blue Mountains
  • responding to new and emerging pest threats
  • protecting the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area
  • protecting significant cultural heritage assets.

The Blue Mountains pest management strategy broadly identifies pest distribution and related impacts across the region. It uses the state strategy framework to prioritise pest management programs and details programs supported by local community involvement.