A NSW Government website

2022 NSW Vegetation Clearing Report: Authorised clearing on Category 2 regulated land

Vegetation clearing on Category 2 regulated land reported by authorisation type under Local Land Services Act 2013 and Native Vegetation Act 2003.


Vegetation clearing on Category 2 regulated land is authorised under the Local Land Services Act 2013 (LLS Act) and Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NV Act).

Total clearing under the LLS Act and the NV Act decreased significantly between 2021 and 2022 by 45% and 57% respectively. All clearing under Act approvals decreased in 2022 except clearing under Part 3 of the Land Management Code.

Vegetation clearing authorised under the Local Land Services Act

Under the LLS Act, the approval authorisations fall under Part 5A, Division 5 for clearing native vegetation under the Land Management Code, or Part 5B for private native forestry. The Land Management Code authorises clearing of native vegetation on Category 2 regulated land, provides for establishment and management of set aside areas, and authorises re-categorisation of land.

Clearing under Local Land Services Act approvals decreased between 2021 and 2022 (Figure 7).

See the 'Authorisations under the Local Land Services Act' section below for descriptions.

Bar chart that shows the number of hectares cleared each yearfrom 2018 to 2022,  categorized by different parts of the Act such as Invasive native species, Pasture expansion, Continuing use, Equity, and Farm plan

Figure 7: Authorised clearing between 2018 and 2022 under Part 5A of the Local Land Services Act 2013 Credit: DCCEEW

Vegetation clearing authorised under the Native Vegetation Act

Clearing under Native Vegetation Act approvals decreased between 2021 and 2022 (Figure 8). The largest areas cleared with approvals were management of invasive native species in accordance with a property vegetation plan or a ministerial order, accounting for 93% of total clearing under the Act.

Bar graph showing the number of hectares cleared each year, categorized by different types of land clearing methods

Figure 8: Authorised clearing between 2018 and 2022 under the Native Vegetation Act 2003 Credit: DCCEEW

Authorisations under the Local Land Services Act

Authorisation Description 
INS Part 2.1 Land Management Code Part 2 Invasive native species, 
Division 1 – low impact clearing of invasive native species 
INS Part 2.2 Land Management Code Part 2 Invasive native species, 
Division 2 – moderate impact clearing of invasive native 
Pasture Expansion
Part 3.1 
Land Management Code Part 3 Pasture expansion, 
Division 1 – uniform thinning of woody native vegetation 
Pasture Expansion
Part 3.2 
Land Management Code Part 3 Pasture expansion, 
Division 2 – uniform thinning of woody native vegetation 
Pasture Expansion
Part 3.3 
Land Management Code Part 3 Pasture expansion, 
Division 3 – mosaic thinning of woody native vegetation 
Continuing use
Part 4.1 
Land Management Code Part 4 Continuing use, 
Division 1 – managing woody native regrowth in 
managed native pastures 
Continuing use
Part 4.2 
Land Management Code Part 4 Continuing use, 
Division 2 – continuation of land management activities 
undertaken after 1990 
Continuing use
Part 4.3 
Land Management Code Part 4 Continuing use, 
Division 3 – continuation of rotational activity 
undertaken before 1990 
Part 5.1 
Land Management Code Part 5 Equity, 
Division 1 – removing native vegetation from paddock 
tree areas 
Part 5. 2 
Land Management Code Part 5 Equity, 
Division 2 – clearing compromised native ground cover 
Part 5.3 
Land Management Code Part 5 Equity, 
Division 3 – removing native vegetation from small areas 
Part 5.4 
Land Management Code Part 5 Equity, 
Division 4 – removing native vegetation from regulated 
rural areas 
Farm Plan
Part 6.1 
Land Management Code Part 6 Farm plan, 
Division 1 – removing native vegetation from paddock 
tree areas 
Farm Plan
Part 6.2 
Land Management Code Part 6 Farm Plan, 
Division 2 – removing native vegetation from regulated 
rural areas 
Private native 
Private native forestry plans under Part 5B of the Local Land Services Act 

Authorisations under the Native Vegetation Act

Authorisation Description 
Invasive native 
Order (MO) 
Routine agricultural management activity for the 
management of invasive native species under an MO 
vegetation plan 
(PVP) clause 20 
Clearing for conservation or long-term environmental 
benefit under clause 20 in accordance with a PVP 
PVP invasive 
native species
Management of invasive native species that improves 
or maintains environmental outcomes under a PVP 
PVP clearing Broadscale clearing that improves or maintains 
environmental outcomes under a PVP 
PVP continuing 
Clearing of regrowth authorised under a PVP 
PVP thinning Ecological thinning of vegetation that improves or 
maintains environmental outcomes under a PVP 
Paddock trees 
Routine agricultural management activity for the 
clearing of paddock trees under an MO 
Thinning MO Routine agricultural management activity for the 
ecological thinning of vegetation under an MO