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Pick your ho-ho-holiday adventure in Hunter and Central Coast national parks

14 Dec 2023
Department media releaseNational Parks and Wildlife ServiceNews and media releases

Families can now pick their favourite Christmas holiday guided discovery tour from 4 sweet themes offered by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Hunter Central Coast branch.

'Choose your kids’ flavour of fun from ‘Junior ranger’ tours, ‘Aboriginal cultural’ tours, ‘Coastal adventure and ocean rockpool rambles’ and ‘Twilight adventures’,' NPWS Hunter Central Coast Director Kylie Yeend said.

NPWS hosts guided discovery tours right across the region during school holidays to encourage people to get outdoors, connect to nature and learn more about our national parks.

Remember to bring water, a sun hat and sturdy walking shoes. Taking pics? We’d love you to post to Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #NSWParks.

The 4 types of tours are:

1. Junior ranger tours

Kids aged 5 years or over and adults can sign onto junior ranger tours at coastal or inland parks right across the Hunter region, Central Coast and Mid-North Coast. Led by NPWS discovery rangers, tours explore the natural and cultural values of our national parks.

'Hands-on experiences like junior rangers are fantastic fun and help kids to grow into adults who enjoy the outdoors and value the environment,' Ms Yeend said.

2. Aboriginal cultural tours

NPWS cultural tours are hosted by Aboriginal discovery rangers in Glenrock State Conservation Area, Blue Gum Hills Regional Park and Copeland Tops State Conservation Area.

'Join an NPWS Aboriginal cultural tour these holidays and experience and appreciate our national parks from an Indigenous perspective.'

3. Coastal adventure and ocean rockpool rambles

Who doesn’t love a good rockpool? Popular with children of all ages, NPWS discovery rangers share shoreline stories to enthral budding marine scientists and beachgoers on these tours.

This summer NPWS offers two new coastal tours in Tomaree National Park, taking in short sections of the newly opened 27 km Tomaree Coastal Walk.

4. Twilight adventures

Bring a small torch to guide you and get excited for a night-time tour! Spot nocturnal wildlife and experience national park landscapes while the sun is down. This family-friendly twilight adventure is fun for all ages.

Additionally, twice each week an NPWS guided tour of Mountain Maid gold mine tour takes place in Copeland Tops State Conservation Area.

To book online or find out more go to the NPWS Kids' and family activities page.

Tour summary

1. Junior ranger tours

Mid-North Coast

Junior ranger: Wingham Brush wildlife walk

Junior ranger: Mountain Maid gold mine tour

Junior ranger: Booti Booti coastal adventure tour

Port Stephens

Junior ranger: Tomaree coastal adventure tour


Junior ranger: Glenrock coastal adventure tour

Central Coast

Junior ranger: Bouddi coastal adventure tour

2. Aboriginal cultural tours

Mid-North Coast

Copeland Tops Aboriginal cultural tour


Blue Gum Hills Aboriginal cultural tour

Glenrock Aboriginal cultural tour

3. Coastal adventure and ocean rockpool rambles

Port Stephens

Tomaree coastal walking tour

Ocean rockpool nature tour: Tomaree


Ocean rockpool nature tour: Glenrock

Central Coast

Wyrrabalong coastal walking tour

4. Twilight tours

Mid-North Coast

Copeland Tops twilight tour

Wingham Brush twilight tour

NPWS ranger showing a preschool aged child how to trace around a leaf

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