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Inaugural Chair of Hunter-Paterson Environmental Water Advisory Group appointed

11 Jul 2024
Department media releaseWater for the environmentWaterNews and media releasesHunter-PatersonCatchments

Singleton resident and rural landowner, Martin Fallding, has been appointed as the inaugural chairperson of the Hunter-Paterson Environmental Water Advisory Group (EWAG). 

Once fully established, the Hunter-Paterson EWAG will advise the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (the department) on using the environmental water allowance in the Hunter and Paterson regulated rivers.

The department will seek expressions of interest for membership of the Hunter-Paterson EWAG later in 2024. The group will bring together representatives from a range of interests across the region, including Aboriginal people, environmental groups, water users, and aquatic scientists. Information provided by EWAG members will contribute to decisions about environmental water management for 2025 and beyond. 

The Hunter and Paterson Regulated River Water Sharing Plans provide 22 gigalitres (GL) of environmental water allowance to improve river health within the catchments. Each water year, which starts on 1 July, the environmental water allowance is credited with 20 GL of water in the upper Hunter River water storages of Glenbawn Dam and Glennies Creek Dam and 2 GL in Lostock Dam in the Paterson River sub-catchment. Any unused environmental water allowance cannot be carried forward to the next water year.

The Hunter-Paterson EWAG will be the sixth EWAG established in New South Wales and the first in a coastal river catchment. The department also works with the Snowy Advisory Committee in the Snowy and Montane rivers.

Water for the environment provides benefits such as maintaining river health, encouraging fish passage and spawning, providing river flows that maintain natural variability, and recognising Aboriginal cultural relationships to land and water.

For more information about the environmental assets visit the Hunter-Paterson catchment webpage.

View of the Hunter River

Quotes attributable to NSW DCCEEW Director Hunter Central Coast Joe Thompson:

'The establishment of the Hunter-Paterson Environmental Water Advisory Group is a significant step forward in our efforts to make the best use of environmental water to enhance the health of the Hunter and Paterson rivers.

'We’re extremely pleased to have Martin Fallding on board as the inaugural Chair.

'Martin and the Hunter-Paterson Environmental Water Advisory Group will play a crucial role in guiding our strategies and actions for using the Environmental Water Allowance.

'Their input will directly contribute to long-term environmental water planning for the Hunter and Paterson regulated rivers.'

Quotes attributable to Martin Fallding:

'I am excited to be part of a conversation that will support the most effective use of the environmental water allowances available in the Hunter and Paterson rivers.

'There are opportunities to work together with all groups and interests to improve the health and condition of the river and its ecosystems.'

Martin Fallding

Martin Fallding has qualifications and experience in land use planning, geomorphology, soils and land management, and environmental impact assessment. He has worked in a wide range of public and private sector roles as an environmental planning specialist, primarily focusing on biodiversity conservation. Mr Fallding is a Singleton Weeds Advisory Committee member and has, until recently, been a member of the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Advisory Panel and the NSW Koala Expert Panel. He also established and operates a nature-based ecotourism business in the Upper Hunter.

Martin Fallding has grey hair and blue eyes standing in front of a hedge.

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