Millewa fish recovery strategy
Restoring and recovering native fish populations in the Millewa Forest
This strategy aims to build native fish populations and recover threatened and locally extinct species in Millewa.
Publisher: Department of Planning and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-923076-70-9 / ID: EHG20230287
File: PDF 5.62 MB / Pages 141
Name: millewa-fish-recovery-strategy-230287.pdf
The Barmah–Millewa Forest supports the largest river red gum forest in Australia and forms the largest and most intact freshwater floodplain system along the Murray River. It provides habitat for numerous plant and animal species, and supports colonies of breeding waterbirds.
The strategy provides a practical framework, work packages and implementation schedules for NPWS to protect existing populations and recover native fish populations at Millewa Forest.