Areas of Outstanding Biodiversity Value are special areas that contain irreplaceable biodiversity values important to the whole of New South Wales, Australia or globally.
The Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 gives the Minister for Environment the power to declare Areas of Outstanding Biodiversity Value on land in New South Wales.
The eligibility criteria for Areas of Outstanding Biodiversity Value (AOBV) are contained in section 3.2 of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and explained further in clause 3.1 of the Biodiversity Conservation Regulation 2017 (see the 'Justification for proposed area as an Area of Outstanding Biodiversity Value' section of this form).
The criteria are designed to identify the most valuable sites for biodiversity conservation in New South Wales, with a focus on sites with highly distinctive biodiversity or features critical to the future of biodiversity in New South Wales. They include unique components of genetic diversity that enable species to adapt to changing environments, habitat critical for the survival of threatened species or features that support species migration and dispersal.
How to complete the proposal form
Before making a proposal, please consider carefully whether the area is likely to satisfy at least one of the scientific criteria in the 'Justification for proposed area as an Area of Outstanding Biodiversity Value' section of this form (per clause 3.1 of the Biodiversity Conservation Regulation).
Landowner support
If you do not own the land that you want to propose as an Area of Outstanding Biodiversity Value and it is privately owned, your proposal must include some evidence that you have spoken to the owner of the land, not just the occupier of the land, about your proposal and that the landowner supports your proposal being made. You will need to provide the landowner's contact details so that the department can contact him or her about the proposal.
If the proposal covers multiple landowners, you will need to provide contact details for each and evidence of their support. This information is mandatory. The department will contact the landowner to verify this information.
In addition, the department will seek the private landowner's consent at key points in the assessment process – for example, to carry out any on-site assessments and to recommend the land for declaration as an AOBV to the Minister.
If your proposal is on public land then your proposal should, at a minimum, identify the local, state or other authority that is the owner or manager of the land and contact details, if available. If the proposal proceeds, the department must seek the support of the head of the relevant authority.
Getting help
You are encouraged to seek expert advice where appropriate to assist in completing this form.
The information you provide in this form will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected. By submitting, you consent to storage, use, and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy. You can request access and amendment to your personal information.