A NSW Government website

How to stop possums eating your garden

Try our suggestions to stop possums eating your plants.


Possums are protected in New South Wales under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016. Trapping, catching and releasing possums is illegal in New South Wales, unless you have a licence.

There are a couple of things you can try to discourage possums if they are eating the plants in your garden:

  • Cover the plants the possums seem to favour with wildlife-friendly netting. See Wildlife friendly fencing and netting.
  • Boil a litre of water with a handful of hot chillies, garlic and vinegar and leave to brew for a few days. Strain and spray the cooled liquid on the affected plants (this is safe for dogs and cats).
  • Use commercially available products that provide a protective spray to the plants and are a non-harmful deterrent to animals.
  • Use organic methods such as blood and bone fertilisers or quassia wood chips.

If you still have problems, contact:

A brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) surveys its territory from a tree stump at night.

The brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) often makes it home or feeds in peoples backyards.