Kosciuszko Offset Strategy – Attachment
This attachment to the Kosciuszko Offset Strategy provides background information on the Kosciuszko Offset Project, including planning approvals, offset payments, and key threatening processes for biodiversity impacted by the Snowy 2.0 project.
Publisher: Department of Planning and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-923076-19-8
ID: EHG20230222
File: PDF 669.66 KB / Pages 24
Name: kosciuszko-offset-strategy-attachment-230222.pdf
This attachment to the Kosciuszko Offset Strategy also provides a list of approved and published Kosciuszko Offset Action Plans. Appendix 1 of this attachment outlines the Exploratory Works, Main Works and Transmission Connection biodiversity offset-related planning conditions.