Jenolan Karst Conservation Reserve Plan of Management
The reserve includes the internationally renowned Jenolan Caves, one of the premier tourism attractions in New South Wales, receiving more than 200,000 visitors annually. Other features of the state heritage-listed reserve include Jenolan Caves House and significant natural values that form part of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area.
The plan of management provides guidance on conserving the natural and cultural values of the park, providing enriching and memorable experiences for all visitors and developing partnerships with the community and corporate sectors.
The plan identifies:
- Visitor Use and Services Zone – a 50-hectare area that is the focus of both above and below ground tourism assets, including all accommodation facilities and cave operations. This zone is managed to support sustainable visitation.
- Conservation Management Zone – occupying over 98 per cent of the reserve. This will be managed primarily for the conservation of natural and cultural values, and provide for compatible nature-based recreation opportunities such as bushwalking.
The plan incorporates information on the natural and cultural values of the reserve, fire management plans, the draft conservation management plan, policies and guidance on managing karst environments, and takes account of strategic planning for the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area. The plan also incorporates additional lands that have been included in the reserve.
See also Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area Strategic Plan (2009).