A NSW Government website

Drones in parks policy

Drones are a valuable tool for managing national parks, but they can cause problems. You will need approval if you want to fly a drone in a national park or reserve.


The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) uses drones for park management and operational purposes, such as:

  • search and rescue activities
  • controlling weeds and pest animals
  • monitoring beach erosion
  • inspecting assets.

Other organisations also use drones for activities that support public use and enjoyment of parks or conservation, including surf lifesaving and scientific research

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service recognises that drones can sometimes be used in a park for recreational and commercial purposes unrelated to park management.

Flying drones in parks can impact visitors and disturb native animals. Drones can also dangerously interfere with fighting bushfires and other park management activities. Careful management of drone use is required to avoid these risks.

Drone users must get approval before launching, landing, or operating a drone from within a park.

To apply to use a drone for recreation purposes refer to section 2 of this policy. To apply to use a drone for commercial filming or photography, this policy and the Filming and photography policy and related application form apply. Refer to sections 23-25 below for more information.

What is a drone and how are they regulated?

A drone is a type of aircraft. Other names for drones are remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) regulates the use of drones under the Civil Aviation Act 1988 and the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR). If you use a drone in a park, you must ensure it is airworthy, fly it safely, and follow CASA rules and regulations.

In some parks or parts of parks, the use of recreational drones may be excluded for a range of reasons. Such as impacts to visitor amenity or the presence of natural or cultural values that are sensitive to disturbance. The use of drones is also prohibited in parks that are close to controlled aerodromes, such as Sydney Airport.


1. Do I need approval to fly a drone in a park for recreation?
  1. Yes. Approval is required to launch, land, or operate a drone from within a park for recreational purposes, as drones can interfere with or cause a nuisance to people or animals.
2. How do I request approval to fly a drone for recreation?
  1. To seek approval, you must complete the application form (DOCX 119KB). However, before completing the form, please ensure the park or part of the park that you wish to fly in is not a drone exclusion area.
3–7. What is a drone exclusion area?
  1. A drone exclusion area is a park, or parts of a park, where recreational drones cannot be launched, landed, or operated because their impact on visitors, park management operations, wildlife or other sensitive natural or cultural values would be too high.
  2. A drone exclusion area can be determined by the Branch Director or identified in a plan of management for the park.
  3. If a drone exclusion area has been created, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service may install signs to communicate this to park visitors at park entrances or particular locations such as lookouts and picnic areas. Signs will be primarily considered for parks or locations with high numbers of visitors.
  4. Information about drone exclusion areas will be provided on the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service website, in the 'Visitor info' section of each park's webpage.
  5. Drone use may occur in a drone exclusion area for park management purposes, visitor safety, conservation, research or commercial activities subject to relevant approvals being obtained as set out in this policy.
8–10. How will NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service decide whether to approve drone use?
  1. In assessing an application for using a drone outside an identified drone exclusion area, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service will consider whether the proposed use will:
    1. annoy or cause risk to visitors, or invade their privacy
    2. be a nuisance or cause risk to wildlife
    3. interfere with park management operations (including helicopter operations and use of helipads)
    4. impact on areas with sensitive natural or cultural values (for example, nature reserves, wilderness areas or Aboriginal Places).
  2. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service may approve or refuse an application. If an application is approved, it may include conditions.
  3. You can only fly a drone in the park, or part of the park, covered by the approval, and consistent with any conditions. You must carry a copy of the approval with you (in hard copy or electronic form) and produce it if requested by a NPWS officer.
11–12. Emergency events take precedence
  1. Conditions in parks can change at short notice, for example, during a bushfire or other emergency.
  2. If you have approval you must still check the Alerts for NSW National Parks page before you fly, as further restrictions on flying drones may be imposed. Any restrictions on park access or visitation identified in an alert must be complied with and will override any approval for drone use.
13–14. What other rules apply when I am flying a recreational drone in a park?
  1. In addition to seeking approval from NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service to fly, you must also ensure you are flying according to CASA regulations. A full list of CASA drone safety rules can be found on the CASA Know Your Drone website (always check the website for the current rules).
  2. You can also use a CASA-approved drone safety app to find further information about the location where you want to fly your drone. Approved drone safety apps can be accessed on the CASA website.
15. Can I fly a drone for recreation at a ski resort?
  1. No. Ski resorts in New South Wales are in Kosciuszko National Park. The plan of management for the park prohibits the landing and take-off of powered aircraft for recreational purposes, including drones, across the entire park.
16–17. How close can I fly to marine mammals?
  1. You must keep your drone more than 100 metres above and away from a marine mammal in all directions. If you fly a drone closer than that you can be fined.
  2. The Biodiversity Conservation Regulation 2017 sets out all the safe approach distances for aircraft, including drones, so that marine mammals are not disturbed.
18–19. Can the public use drones during bushfires?
  1. No. Drones can be a risk to the safe operation of firefighting aircraft during bushfires or hazard reduction burns.
  2. Before you fly, you must check the Alerts for NSW National Parks page for information on bushfire or hazard reduction burns in the park. Any restrictions on park access or visitation identified in an Alert must be followed and will override any approval for drone use.
20–22. What are the rules for using drones close to airfields, aerodromes and helipads?
  1. CASA has rules about flying a drone close to aerodromes and helicopter landing sites. It is the drone user's responsibility to comply with these rules and obtain any necessary approvals before flying.
  2. Check the CASA website, the CASA Know Your Drone website or a CASA-approved drone safety app for full details of restrictions.
  3. Some national parks have operational helipads that are used for park management activities. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service will consider the potential impacts and risks to these helipads when assessing an application for drone use in a park.
23–25. Do I need approval to fly a drone for commercial filming or photography purposes?
  1. Yes. Any commercial or business activity carried out in a park requires formal approval such as a lease, licence, permit or consent.
  2. Using drones for commercial filming or photography is subject to the Filming and photography policy. Applications to film and take photographs in national parks include drone use applications. For other types of professional commercial use of drones in parks (e.g. survey or research) contact NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service for guidance.
  3. A commercial drone user may also need to be licensed and certified by CASA and notify CASA before flying. CASA guidelines must be checked to establish requirements for individual operations. It is the drone user's responsibility to ensure that the drone is operated according to CASA regulations.
26–28. Who manages NPWS use of drones in parks?
  1. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service uses drones for a range of park management purposes, including survey, research, and fire management. All drone operations by NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service must comply with NPWS policies and CASA regulations.
  2. The NPWS Fire and Incident Operations Branch have a key role in the management of drone use:
    1. the Aviation Unit provides advice on all aviation-related issues, including drone use by staff and contractors.
    2. ParkAir provides drone services to NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.
  3. NPWS staff should contact the Aviation Unit and ParkAir to confirm requirements for drone use.
About the policy

Policy adopted February 2016.

Policy last updated October 2024

Scope and application

This policy applies to all lands acquired or reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NPW Act) except for lands reserved under Part 4A of the Act (unless the Board of Management for those lands has adopted the policy). However, NPWS staff can use the policy as guidance when working with Boards of Management.


This policy aims to:

  • provide clear guidelines for the recreational and commercial use of drones in parks
  • guide NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service use of drones in parks
  • balance the commercial and recreational use of drones in parks with NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service responsibilities to protect wildlife and to provide opportunities for the public appreciation and enjoyment of a park's natural and cultural values.


Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) is the Commonwealth government agency responsible for ensuring aviation safety. CASA regards drones as aircraft and sets the rules and regulations for drone use.

Controlled aerodrome means an aerodrome at which an aircraft control service is provided.

Drone means a remotely piloted aircraft (RPA), sometimes called an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

Park means a reserve gazetted under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NPW Act), including a national park, nature reserve, historic site, Aboriginal area, state conservation area, karst conservation reserve, regional park or any land acquired by the Minister under Part 11 of the Act.


ParagraphPosition accountable
1. Approval for recreational use of drones in a parkArea Manager, Team Leader, Ranger
4. Establishing drone exclusion areas (not in plan of management)Branch Director
23–24. Approval for commercial filming using a drone 

23–24. Approval of other professional commercial uses of drones in parks
As specified in the Filming and photography policy 

Area Manager
26–28. NPWS use of dronesConsult NPWS Fire and Incident Operations Branch

The accountable officer may allocate this role to an officer authorised under the relevant NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water delegation instrument. Staff can access the delegation instruments on the intranet.