A NSW Government website

Licence to harm native animals

Find out how to apply for a licence to harm protected native animals other than kangaroos.

If protected native animals are shown to be a threat to human safety, damaging property and/or causing economic hardship, the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) may grant a licence to the owner or occupier of a property, to harm (for example, cull or catch and release) the animals. Note: landholder's licences were previously called occupier's licences.

Changes to licences to harm kangaroos

The NSW Government announced changes to licences to harm kangaroos as part of a package of drought relief measures(link is external).

These changes are effective from 8 August 2018. They apply to licences to harm protected kangaroos, wallaroos and wallabies, excluding threatened species.

Find out about these changes and how to apply for a licence to harm kangaroos.

Apply for a licence

To apply for a landholder's licence to harm protected native animals (other than kangaroos and threatened species):

  1. Download the application form for a Landholder's licence to harm protected native animals (PDF 331KB).
  2. Contact your local NPWS office before lodging an application to discuss the nature and severity of the issue and any non-lethal measures that may reduce or solve the problem.
  3. Complete the application form.
  4. Lodge the application with your local NPWS office.

Comply with licence conditions

All licences are granted with conditions. Under the BC Act, it is an offence to contravene a condition of a licence.

Licensees or other persons undertaking activities authorised under a landholder's licence to harm protected native animals must comply with the conditions of the licence.

Different conditions apply for the harming of different types of protected animals. View the standard conditions for licences to harm different types of protected animals.

Record keeping and returns

You must record the species and number of animals harmed under your licence using the record sheet you received when you were granted your licence.

Record sheets must be provided to the NPWS office that granted your licence no later than 7 days after the expiry of the licence.

Licence variations, extensions or new licences may not be granted unless record sheets have been provided.

Public register

Go to the public register of licences to harm to view information about the biodiversity conservation licences granted by NPWS that authorise harm to protected animals, including licences to harm protected native animals. You'll also find information about the conditions for licences to harm different types of protected animals.

Contact us

Wildlife Team

Phone: 02 9585 6406

Email: wildlife.licensing@environment.nsw.gov.au