Ben Boyd National Park and Bell Bird Creek Nature Reserve Plan of Management Amendment
Light to Light Walk Improvements
This amendment to the Ben Boyd National Park and Bell Bird Creek Nature Reserve Plan of Management enables delivery of the Light to Light Walk project in the southern section of Beowa National Park (formerly Ben Boyd National Park). The project includes upgrades to the existing track, new walking track alignments and new accommodation to provide a hut-to-hut style experience for walkers.
The amendment also enables investigation and development of a second cultural camp in the park, supporting Traditional Owner involvement to enhance visitor experiences and on-Country activities.
The Ben Boyd National Park and Bell Bird Creek Nature Reserve Plan of Management has been updated to include this amendment.
The draft amendment and the Draft Light to Light to Light Walk Strategy were publicly exhibited in July and August 2019. We received 205 submissions. Before adopting the amendment, the Minister considered the proposed amendment, the submissions and the advice of the South Coast Regional Advisory Committee and the National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council.
Similarly, the Light to Light Walk Strategy has been updated to account for community and stakeholder feedback received during exhibition of the draft amendment and draft strategy.
National Parks and Wildlife Service have prepared a public exhibition report which summarises feedback received from the public on the draft strategy and the draft amendment and outlines the department's response to submissions.
Beowa National Park and its associated amenities, including the Light to Light Walk, are integral to the local community for their social, cultural, economic and environmental significance. To ensure we consider views and issues from a broad section of the community, we are establishing a Light to Light Walk Stakeholder Reference Group, which will include representatives from a broad range of local and regional stakeholder groups and organisations. Further information about the Stakeholder Reference group is available on the Light to Light Walk project page.
If you have not already done so, you can register your interest in receiving regular updates on the progress of the walk on the Light to Light Walk project page.
The next step for the project is public exhibition of the environmental and cultural heritage assessment (known as a Review of Environmental Factors).