The Research Needs Catalogue identifies knowledge gaps for threatened species, ecological communities and key threatening processes. It was created to connect researchers with the Saving our Species program.
The objectives of this catalogue are to:
- outline program-identified research needs or knowledge gaps for threatened species and ecological communities in New South Wales, such as understanding their ecology and function, improving knowledge on threatening processes and effectiveness of management actions
- share knowledge needs with partners to support opportunities for collaboration and co-design.
Our aim is to target research to improve conservation outcomes for threatened species and ecological communities, by informing on-ground management actions and conservation policy.
How it works
The Research Needs Catalogue is:
- a living document that will be updated to reflect current knowledge needs
- not prioritised or ranked
- created in consultation with department staff and using Saving our Species information sources.
How to use this catalogue
Use filters in the report below to search for a specific research need or knowledge gap, or find out all the research needs for a particular threatened species or ecological community.
For more information, read our Research Needs Catalogue user guide.
Terms of use
We suggest that prior to implementing any research ideas from the catalogue, users get in touch with the Saving our Species Science and Research Team. This will help to enable collaboration and co-design with the species project manager and help to ensure research can be integrated with management and policy.
Please contact the Saving our Species science and research team for all catalogue enquiries, including to:
- discuss proposed research proposals arising from the Research Needs Catalogue
- connect with department staff to develop a research idea
- suggest updates to the catalogue, including improved features, updates to existing knowledge gaps or new research needs.
Research needs are dynamic and change in response to new information, altered management practices or priorities, or natural hazard events such as bushfires, floods or storms. The Saving our Species Research Needs Catalogue is a living document that will be updated continuously as new research needs are identified and existing needs are addressed.
Contact us
For more information about a research need or knowledge gap, please email the Saving our Species science and research team: [email protected].