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NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee Final Determination for Brachyscome mittagongensis

13 Dec 2024
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Brachyscome mittagongensis P.S.Short, a herb has been listed as an Endangered species.

The NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee assesses which species are eligible for listing as threatened species.

NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee Final Determination

Brachyscome mittagongensis is endemic to New South Wales where it is known from the Sydney Basin and South Eastern east Highlands Bioregions. It is currently known primarily from Wingecarribee Shire in the Central Tablelands (Moss Vale and Burragorang Subregions), with 2 collection records in Upper Lachlan Shire in the Southern Tablelands (Bungonia Subregion).

More information on the species can be found in the Committees' Final Determination for Brachyscome mittagongensis.

White daisy-like flowers in a field

Brachyscome mittagongensis

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Threatened Species Scientific Committee

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