A NSW Government website

Native Vegetation Act 2003 public register

The Native Vegetation Act 2003 public register includes information about property vegetation plans (PVPs) approved by Local Land Services before the repeal of the Act.


The Minister for the Environment is required by law to make publicly available on the internet information about property vegetation plans (PVPs) approved by Local Land Services (LLS) under the Native Vegetation Act 2003:

  • information relating to the approval of broadscale clearing of native vegetation
  • information specifying a date for the definition of regrowth
  • information about PVPs and development consents that approve broadscale clearing where CMA/LLS discretion has been exercised
  • information about clearing of native vegetation for essential local government infrastructure
  • information about approved increases to infrastructure routine agricultural management activities (RAMA) buffer distances.

Incentive PVPs and continuing use PVPs are not included in the public register, except where a continuing use PVP is used to change the regrowth date.

The information provided in the public register satisfies the requirements of section 57 of the Privacy and Personal Information Act 1998.

Public register categories

1. Public register of PVPs and development consents that approve broadscale clearing and/or specify a date for the definition of regrowth

Information included:

  • approval number
  • approval date
  • clearing location (latitude and longitude)
  • clearing area – area (hectares (ha)) of clearing approved where environmental outcomes are improved or maintained
  • thinning area – area (ha) of thinning approved where environmental outcomes are improved or maintained (thinning means clearing that comprises thinning vegetation to benchmark stem densities)
  • paddock tree count – number of paddock trees removed where environmental outcomes improved or maintained
  • paddock tree area – estimated area (ha) of paddock trees removed
  • offset location (latitude and longitude)
  • offset area – area (ha) of offset used to improve or maintain environmental outcomes
  • invasive native scrub (INS) location – invasive native scrub treatment location (latitude and longitude)
  • INS area – area (ha) approved under PVP for invasive native scrub treatment *
  • Clause 20 area – area (ha) of minor clearing to improve the condition or prevent long term degradation of native vegetation
  • Clause 20 location (latitude and longitude)
  • regrowth date – date specified in PVP for the purposes of regrowth definition
  • regrowth location – regrowth date change location (latitude and longitude).

Visit the approved clearing register.

2. Public register of broadscale clearing where CMA/LLS discretion has been exercised

Information included:

  • approval number
  • approval dates
  • discretion date
  • summary of discretion
  • discretion report.

Visit the CMA/LLS discretions register.

3. Public register of approved increases to infrastructure RAMA buffer distances

Information included:

  • approval date
  • type of structure
  • infrastructure buffer distance being varied
  • total buffer distance permitted
  • property location (latitude and longitude)
  • reasons for variation.

Visit the increased RAMA buffer register.

4. Public register of clearing of native vegetation for essential local government infrastructure

Information included:

  • council
  • approval date
  • type of infrastructure works – for example, sewerage treatment works, waste disposal landfill operations, waste management facilities (including recycling depots and transfer stations), water supply works, gravel pits and cemeteries
  • infrastructure works location (latitude and longitude) and area (ha)
  • clearing location (latitude and longitude) area (ha)
  • managed area location (latitude and longitude) area (ha)
  • method of protection of the managed area – for example, incentive PVP, voluntary conservation agreement, registered on title, conservation PVP.

Visit the local government infrastructure RAMA register.

Other publicly available information about PVPs and development consents

  • Detailed information about broadscale clearing and offset provisions in PVPs and development consents, as well as any date specified for the definition of regrowth, is available for inspection at LLS principal offices.
  • Details relating to financial incentives in a PVP are available to bona fide prospective purchasers on application to the LLS.
  • The existence of a PVP on land will be included on planning certificates issued by local councils (section 149 certificates).

The Native Vegetation Act 2003 and the Native Vegetation Regulation 2013 were repealed on 25 August 2017. For information about the new arrangements for managing native vegetation visit the Local Land Services website.