Hazard reduction burns in national parks near Dungog
The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service is conducting hazard reduction burns in Black Bulga State Conservation Area and Monkerai Nature Reserve, 11 km north-east of Dungog, commencing Sunday 3 September.
The burns will treat a total of 162 hectares of bushland between the 2 reserves at Trevor Tops and Monkerai, reducing naturally accumulated fuel loads in the parks.
These hazard reduction burns will help protect habitat for local threatened species, including glossy black-cockatoos.
The burns will also promote biodiversity in the park and protect neighbouring rural properties in the event of a wildfire.
Smoke may be visible in the area and, depending on the wind conditions, smoke may drift to surrounding areas.
People vulnerable to smoke are encouraged to remain indoors if necessary and keep their doors and windows closed to reduce exposure.
Hazard reduction burns are essential to reduce bushfire fuel loads to help protect parks, neighbours and communities from future bushfires.
These burns are 2 of the many that NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service is planning in national parks during spring.
All burns around the state will continue being coordinated with the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) to ensure the impact on the community is assessed at a regional level.
For health information relating to smoke from bush fires and hazard reduction burning, visit the NSW Health website or Asthma Australia.
More information on hazard reduction activities is available at NSW Rural Fire Service and the RFS Fires Near Me.